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Gavin Dea

The creative mastermind behind GM Arts & Maps is a seasoned freelance comic artist with a passion for fantasy map art. With over 12 years of experience as an amateur cartoonist and 40 years of tabletop gaming under his belt, Gavin infuses his work with rich storytelling and adventure.

Since launching his webcomic in 2012 to hone his craft, Gavin has evolved into a skilled artist dedicated to bringing imaginative worlds to life. As the sole artist, Gavin pours his heart and soul into each piece, ensuring every creation is a masterpiece. Collaborate with Gavin to embark on your next epic journey through his captivating artwork.

Let's Connect!

Hey there! Have questions about our personalized gaming merchandise or want to learn more? I'm here to help! Whether you're curious about our custom mug and t-shirt designs or interested in our services, feel free to reach out to me.